It's the first day of Christmas break for me, so I decided to spend a few extra minutes and write a post about something I have been thinking about for quite some time. For those of you heading out to buy last minute gifts, I suggest buying that special person a Bible. Here's why...
When I was a little girl, my church had envelopes we filled out each morning in Sunday school. It had little boxes for us to check if we were present, attended church, attended Sunday School, made contacts, and brought our Bible. I wanted all my boxes checked, so I brought my Bible with me to church each Sunday. From the little white Bible, to my teen Bible, to the Bible I carry now. I love books and a new Bible makes me so excited to fill the pages with notes, highlights, and references to help me as I study.
Children today don't know the beauty of all this because most use their phones and the Bible ap to read scripture.
When I need to find scripture now, I can picture it on the pages of my Bible where I wrote it down, highlighted it, or marked it up while learning about the passage. Most of the time I can get pretty close to where it is in the Bible based on my memory of what it looks like. I would never be able to do that on a phone and it would drive me crazy!
Children and adults today can google when they look for a passage or verse, but I would miss the notes I had written about it.
When I need my Bible, I know exactly where to find it. It sits in my kitchen on a little black telephone stand that used to sit under the wall phone in my grandmother's house. If it isn't there, it is in my purse on the way to church. I see it each day even after I have spent the morning reading it. It's there and reminds me that I need to behave! It's the adult version of Elf on a Shelf! The great thing is it is here all year and not just around Christmas time!
Children and adults today sometimes have to wait for their phones to charge before they can use the Bible on their phones. I don't ever have to worry about having enough battery to read my copy!
When I read my Bible each day, I picture Jesus and the devil sitting and watching me. I ask Jesus to sit with me each morning, but I know the devil is watching too. I've always heard the devil can see what I'm doing, but he doesn't know my thoughts. I've tried to read my Bible on the phone before when we travel, but it just isn't the same. There are too many distractions for me while I'm reading. The text message to answer, the email to read, or the Facebook notification that just can't wait. I do use the Bible ap devotions, but I have to be very disciplined in looking at scripture and devotional only during my time. I always try to read the verses from my Bible. I want the devil to see me reading the Bible... not see me looking at other things on my phone. I feel sure he gets pleasure from that.
Children today don't know about just sitting and talking to God without a phone. They think they need to be active the entire time. The beauty of reading the Bible is sometimes I just sit and let God influence me. To think, to be quiet, and to be without any distractions is sometimes just what I need to make it through a day.
Finally, when I read my Bible each day, I am reminded of all the prayer requests, the fears I once had, the anxiety I experienced, and the wonderful answered prayers and blessings I have been given. I try my best to be honest in my Bible and I love looking back at things that God has answered for me!
This Christmas as I read the Bible story once again, I'm happy to see the marks, the highlights, and the notes around the miracle of the story of Jesus's birth. I do hope that each person will take time to read the story whether it be on your phone or in a Bible. And if you are struggling with a last minute gift.... don't think to yourself that a Bible wouldn't be a good idea! It might just change someone's life!
Monday, December 23, 2019
Saturday, December 21, 2019
She's Twenty... Oh My
The saying "the days are long but the years are short" rings so true with this one. I can't fathom that twenty years ago this little bundle of joy came into our lives. I loved babies from the time I was a little girl and dreamed of having a sweet, precious angel of my own. My dream came true. As I looked through photo albums this morning, I was reminded of just how much I have been blessed. She has always followed the rules, done as she was told, and most importantly, worn a bow in her hair! I wish I could have bottled up the stage! I often tell her I want her wedding gown to be smocked!
She's a lucky little girl who turned into a beautiful woman. She has had the support and love of strong willed grandparents who help her in times of need and are honest to the core. What more could she ask for? She was loved by the two men in this picture and stole their hearts with that sweet smile and love of football.
She has always been my child who does exactly what I wanted. (most of the time) What other three year old would pose like this for a picture. I've learned that my controlling her is no longer an option because she has a mind of her own. I say all this to say it is so much better her way. She has made decisions that make me proud, honored, and overwhelmed by the strength she has.
She has always been a daddy's girl. When I look at this picture he doesn't look much over 20 himself. She was a Christmas baby and the best gift he could have ever gotten. They share a bond I can't describe. They think alike, they work alike, they love alike. They are one in the same no matter how much everyone says she is me. I know her love of learning, her hard-headed "I got this", and determination comes from him!
I've always loved this picture because I think of her looking into a glass ball and making a wish. I have to say I think she could ask for anything and get it. She has been blessed all her life to be loved by many, succeed at just about everything she tried (let's be honest... basketball may not have been the best), and made wise decisions that led her to be recognized as someone who is to be a role model. I'm proud of that, but I also know her strong foundation in faith has prepared her for making good decisions and also recovering from a few silly ones!
When I sent her to college a year and half ago, I never dreamed of the success and opportunities she would have. She has worked hard and my dreams for her have been put aside because hers are much better. The determination to be who she wants to be, to do what she wants to do, and live like she wants to live is something that no one can talk her out of... and it's a wonderful thing to say I have an independent daughter.
She is home often and has become this one's second mama. Oh how I love that she stays on him. She cooks his breakfast, makes his lunch, and limits his time on PS4. She is going to make a great mother one day and has had practice with a little devil! I just thought the bond between her and Mark was strong... Boo has managed to twist her arm and make her side with him often in the little squabbles the two of us have. He loves Sis... and I'm not sure what he would do without her support.
PaPa loved "Miss Priss" too.... without him... Mark wouldn't be the father he is. I love the memories of KB and Papa... truth be known her love of words and knowledge and numbers came from him.
This picture says so much... these two also have a bond... they love to read and I know she got that from Mama. Look closely at the picture and not that Mama still has on her glasses after falling asleep... but notice the books on KB's chest... and that sweet little bow in her hair. She wanted to be like Jane and read herself to sleep. She has always loved to sleep with somebody... never wants to be by herself... and if they made an adult family bed she'd take all her money and buy us one!
To say I'm proud of her is an understatement. She could be labeled an overachiever in my eyes because she has made all A's for the third semester in a row... my philosophy (and Jim's) was always anything above a C was a waste of time! She works hard... she represents the Tigers with pride... and she loves the Lord with all her heart. My prayer is her heart will always stay as big as it is now, she will continue to make good decisions, and in 20 years she might have a precious little girl of her own to brag about!
The tenderness, sweetness, and gentleness you see in this picture when she was little is still there.. I hope it never goes away.
She has continued her love of animals and especially cats... I mean Clemson has a mascot of a tiger... what did I expect.
Life sure has been special for me the last twenty years... I have smiled often and loved much. I have loved watching her grow and become an independent woman. I'm lucky for her birth! Happy birthday sweet girl! Let's celebrate!!!
Saturday, December 7, 2019

First of all... the answer to the question is YES! She knew.... Sorry to give away the answer before I've even asked the question, but I believe she knew! I believe she was confused and couldn't answer questions... but she knew.
Our character today is Mary. A young girl, visited by an angel who told of pregnancy from the Holy Spirit, instructed to name her son "Immanuel- God is with Us" and "Jesus- Son of the Most High", informed he would be given a throne to rule over Jacob's descendants, told of her cousin's son to be born.... within a few months Mary's life changed. Her life changed in a way she would have never imagined. I still can't fathom this young girl with all this information! It's hard to process.
When I get to heaven I want to find Mary... I want to ask her all about her life. I look to her and see a woman who had a hard, hard life. I'm sure she was talked about because she was pregnant and not married and no one ever really believed it was from the Holy Spirit. I'm sure she had a hard life watching her Son preach, teach, and be criticized by all authority on earth. It had to be hard even though she knew and was proud deep down. And not part of the Christmas story, but it needs to be noted... she was there when he hung on the cross. She watched it all. Sometimes women are seen as weak and unable to handle tragedy. Mary is our example to live by.
Two things I want to point out about Mary that make my heart happy....
1. Mary encouraged Jesus to "show his power". She was there for the first miracle. Jesus turned the water into wine. His mother believed in him and encouraged him to fix the situation. I want to be like Mary in that regard. I love to encourage my children to do things.... okay, sometimes I have to bribe and force.... but I want them to never look back and regret not taking an opportunity to do something.
2. After Jesus ascended into Heaven... Mary was still there. She was with the disciples in constant prayer when they were deciding to choose Matthias to replace Judas. She never stopped praying. As a mother, that's me.... I should never stop praying.
As you get involved in the hustle and bustle of today with shopping, college championship football games, or sitting and watching Hallmark movies... remember two things... Encourage your children and others to take opportunities to show the miracles that Christ can do in the lives of everyone... and pray... pray for those you love and those who get on your nerves.
Friday, December 6, 2019

Yes, another character who isn't in the manger scenes we have around our houses.... but she is so important too.... and we learn so much from her story as well.
Elizabeth was a descendant of Aaron, Moses's brother, and she was married to Zechariah. The Bible describes her as being righteous in the sight of God and she followed his commands and decrees. It also tells us she was childless "unable to conceive". She was also characterized as old. You know the rest of her story with Zechariah being approached by the angel in the temple and being told of a baby to come. Elizabeth becomes pregnant and remains in seclusion for five months. During the sixth month, Gabriel, the angel, visits Mary and tells her of Elizabeth's pregnancy. Mary immediately goes to visit and when she enters the home Elizabeth's baby jumps in her womb. These women were both part of a miraculous story that only they knew about! Elizabeth's baby is born and they name him John instead of being named after his father. Zechariah and Elizabeth followed God's direction and named their son John.
Men and women both would be crazy not to see that the first thing to notice about Elizabeth is her characteristic of being righteous in the sight of God and following his decrees and commands. I fall short of this every day, and I doubt anyone says those things about me. I do know people I look up to who do the right thing always, and I can't think of a better compliment for anyone than to have this said about them. The picture above is what I strive NOT to be like.... I try to improve on that each day! Be like Elizabeth and #dotherightthing
Another crazy thing to me is Elizabeth staying in seclusion for five months. I can't imagine not being out of my house for that long. I'm not going to lie that some days I would love to be told I can't go anywhere, but I don't think I can make it five months... or even five days for that matter! I do imagine that Elizabeth spent time talking to God in those months... thanking him, praising him, and probably questioning him about everything going on in her life. She didn't have a radio, television, or telephone to distract her from her time with him. Maybe if I spent more time with Him without distractions I'd understand things better! Be like Elizabeth and #spendtimewithGoddaily
There is not doubt in my mind that when Mary walked through the door and John jumped in Elizabeth's womb that these women were giddy with excitement. I imagine it to be like when I see some of my high school girlfriends and we talk and laugh and cry and laugh some more... we laugh until the tears run down our legs! Isn't it great they experienced this together? Just think... no one would have expected the two mothers to know each other... and the two sons to be born around the same time... and for both of them to be such important parts of the Christian lifestyle. Be like Elizabeth and #rejoiceinGod'stimingforeverything
Finally, I think it is important for us to notice God gave direct instructions for the name of the child. It was odd to the people there with Elizabeth and Zechariah, but they believed because of the miracle they had seen. Even when things don't seem like they make sense to you... some people are doing things God has led them to do. It may not be the way you would have done it, or the way you want it done... but accept it and move on with your life. Be like Elizabeth and #followGod'scommands
Elizabeth and Zechariah have a son who leads the way for Jesus. I'm sure they never dreamed of that when they were wishing for a baby. The timing had to be just right. The prophets had told of all of this! I need to remember God's plan all the time!
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Our character for today... He's one you won't find in the above manger scene or any manger scene... but his actions, his story, his faith is one we have to talk about to know the entire story of Christmas.
"I'm old and will never have children"
Zechariah was a priest who was married to Elizabeth, Mary's cousin. He and Elizabeth were childless... and the Bible says they were OLD! UGH... so many things to think about here. I was blessed to have no fertility problems at all. I had horrible pregnancies, but I didn't have fertility troubles. I can only imagine what each of them felt like not being able to have children. The Bible tells us Elizabeth was the reason they couldn't have children. I'm not sure how they knew that, but I'm not one to question what is written either. I accept it. Regardless, I have a soft spot for those who aren't able to have children and want them.
"I'm too old and there is no way this is going to really happen"
Zechariah was chosen by lot to keep the incense burning for the Lord in the temple while everyone else was outside praying. An angel appeared to him and frightened Zechariah. The angel told him not to be afraid and his prayer had been heard about having a child. He would have a son and name him John. He will be great! (We will talk later about John) Zechariah doubts what the angel is telling him. He wants to know how he can be sure of this because he and his wife are old. The angel tells of being sent from God and because he didn't believe the angel he would be silent and not able to speak.
"Be quiet and soak it all in"
Zechariah came out of the temple when his service was completed and could not speak. The people quickly realized he had seen a vision in the temple but couldn't speak to them. Through motions they could tell he had seen something in the temple. Later, Elizabeth became pregnant. When the baby was born, Elizabeth didn't chose to name him after his father but gave him the name John. This confused the relatives, but Zechariah asked for a writing tablet and wrote "His name is John" on the tablet. Immediately Zechariah regained his speech. They knew to name him John.
"Oh... I get it now! Or maybe not..."
Zechariah's son was John the Baptist- a prophet sent by God to announce the coming of the Messiah. He was born on God's time to set the way for Jesus Christ... part of God's plan that I'm sure Elizabeth and Zechariah didn't even realize until later.
You and I can learn several things from Zechariah. I know I have said this time and time again, but it's worth it again.... MY TIMING IS NOT GOD'S TIMING! #yourtimeiscoming I'm sure Zechariah had questioned God many times about why he and Elizabeth weren't able to have children... I'd be willing to bet he had probably given up because he was "old".
Another lesson to learn is be careful what you pray for. I know I have said this time and time again too, but it's worth it again.... MY PLAN IS NOT GOD'S PLAN! #itisHisplannotmine I'm sure Zechariah was frustrated not being able to speak and rejoice in seeing the angel, but I also think he had to feel an overwhelming peace knowing an angel of the Lord had been to him. Before he blasted it
We can learn from Zechariah that we need to be quiet sometimes. God hasn't physically muted me before, but I have learned to be quiet in situations. Just last night I quickly had a reality check about biting my tongue. I knew I needed to stop talking, typing, texting.... just be quiet... remember it isn't my plan. #sitandanalyzequietly The reasons why things happen will eventually be seen... one day when I see it... or years and years later when I was just a small, intricate part of His plan.
Finally, I think where I fail the most is not praising the good things in life. Luke 1:67-79 is called Zechariah's Song. It's all about praise. How many times have I received blessings, gifts, angelic people in my life and I do nothing.... I just move right on to the next problem.... stop and thank God for the blessings daily.... for simple things, for complicated things, for things that aren't like I want them. #tellGodthanks
Zechariah should be in the manger... he is a perfect example for all the Christmas characters we know about from Luke 2. We can all learn a lesson or two from him in 2019....
Sunday, December 1, 2019
For the first time ever, I have my house decorated for Christmas, the outside decorations are put up (minus the spotlight), and there are already a few presents purchased! The negative Britt is saying, "Something must be going to happen that you need to have all these things in order!".... and my chest gets heavy. Anxiety... I try to not get "tight" about things, but sometimes it just happens.
As I sit here this first day of December, I am quickly reminded the only thing that really matters is the story of Christmas. I need a focus daily... so I made a plan... I always have a good plan... and my plan this month is to choose a character from the Christmas story, research the character, and write about the character. What good are the decorations, the presents, the hoopla if I don't have the real meaning of Christmas in my heart! My prayer is my plan works. I want to share my findings with those who read my blog. I'm also curious to know what else you know about the characters that I might not have mentioned.
Today I'll start with Joseph.
He is identified as the husband of Mary, mother of Jesus. Luke tells us Joseph was a descendant of David. Joseph was pledged to be married to Mary, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Matthew tells us that Joseph was faithful to the law and didn't want to disgrace her, so he would divorce her quietly. An angel came to Joseph in a dream and told him not to be afraid because what was in her had been conceived by the Holy Spirit. The angel told Joseph the baby would be a boy, to name him Jesus, and he will save his people from their sins. He believed what the angel said and did as he was told. Luke explains that Joseph and Mary headed to Bethlehem for the census. Joseph and Mary are found by the shepherds with Jesus placed in a manger because there was no room in the inn. Luke also informs us Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple to follow the required Law of Moses to present Jesus to the temple. While there, they meet Simeon and Anna who say great things about Jesus. (More on them later) Mary and Joseph returned to Galilee after they have done everything required by law. John mentions Joseph in his gospel and calls the Son of God Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
After the Magi had visited Jesus and brought him gifts, an angel appeared again to Joseph and told him to escape to Egypt because Herod would search for Jesus and kill him. Years later, Herod died and an angel appeared again to tell Joseph it was safe to go back to Israel. He heard of other cruel leaders and decided to take a turn to Nazareth.
Joseph was probably looked at from the town as crazy. His family probably looked at him like he had lost his mind. His friends most likely joked around and told him how stupid he was to marry Mary... a young girl who was pregnant... and it wasn't his baby. I don't know any of this for sure, but I can imagine that this took place. We can all imagine things... and how Joseph must have felt. Instead of "imagining" I'd like to talk about what I know for sure.
Joseph did what God told him no matter how crazy or unrealistic it sounded. He did the right thing by marrying Mary even though she was pregnant. He followed God's directions when he was told to leave Israel and head to Egypt, and he even decided to take a detour when he was headed back to Israel. And that.... that is what is important about Joseph.
Joseph had a list of bad things happen to him:
1. He was supposed to marry someone who looked to be unfaithful to him.
2. He had to take a "very" pregnant woman to Bethlehem for a census when she probably shouldn't have been traveling.
3. He had nowhere for his wife to have a baby who was supposed to be very special!
4. Shepherds and wisemen visited his child and special people at the temple recognized just how marvelous this "Jesus" was... but did Joseph really understand just how special Jesus was?
5. He was visited by angels who told him to do some pretty crazy things (Marry this pregnant girl, leave Israel, return to Israel)
6. He detoured to Nazareth instead of being back in his hometown because of what he heard.
7. He followed the Lord's directions, but he never received any recognition.
What I learn from Joseph... is bad things happen for a reason. As I look at his life, I see everything that happened in Joseph's life happened for me to be saved. The prophets from the Old Testament foretold of all this! Have you ever really thought about the "what ifs".... what if Joseph had refused to follow the Lord's direction? Where would I be?
As you go through the holiday season... remember when the bad things happen (not if, but when because they will)... be like Joseph. Do the right thing, take the long road even when it is a struggle, take where you are and grow, when you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you to do something you know sounds crazy... do it... and remember that your plan isn't God's plan.... he may make you go on a detour... and it will be a beautiful blessing and an important chapter in your life.... and most importantly, you may never be recognized for what you do. But your story is perfect for God's purpose. Be like Joseph and do what God leads you to do... follow His direction!
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