Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Get Yourself Back on this SIDE of the Fence!

It's not surprising to me at all that shepherds were told of the birth of Jesus by the angels.  Shepherds are discussed throughout the Bible... they were there in the beginning watching sheep... and we have actually formed into shepherds today if we are Christians. 

A shepherd's job is simple... to lead the "lost" sheep back to pasture... back to where they are safe... back to where there is food and water.  God promises that he will leave the 99 to find the lost one every time.  I find great comfort in that.  I'm not sure where those of you who are reading this blog are in your spiritual life, but I'm often lost... I'm often wrapped up into something that doesn't really matter... I'm often worried about things that really don't matter.  I'm often lost in my own world and forget that the world is a much bigger place and I'M NOT THE CENTER! 

Many claim that they are no longer sheep... no longer lost.... well, in that case... then you are a shepherd.  How are doing as a shepherd?  Are you leading the lost further away from the security of the pasture?  Are you leading the sheep closer to God?  Are you causing someone else to stumble?  One of Mark's examples he uses when teaching is that a family tree can be changed... For Mark, he wants to break the limb of alcohol.  He wants KB and Ben to see that a family can have fun and make great memories without alcohol being involved.  He wants to eliminate the worry that they may have the alcohol gene passed down to them.  If they don't drink.... they won't become alcoholics.  I am not naive... I know that at some point one of them is going to try alcohol and learn the hard way when hugging a porcelain toilet... but I will not stop praying that they never take that chance.  I don't want them even risk that being an option. 

It's the same thing with drugs... we often have that conversation... if you don't try them... you won't have to worry about getting addicted to them.  Unfortunately, my children have had knowledge and seen people they know destroy their lives with alcohol or drugs.  One stupid mistake can make all the difference in the world.   I was once told to stop trying to make my children perfect because they wouldn't be.... you know.... that person was exactly right... my children aren't perfect... and I'm sure there will be many more mistakes on their part.... heck.... I'm sure I'll make many more mistakes even at my age.  BUT... I will not stop praying and covering them in prayer that they will steer clear of drugs and alcohol.  I've seen the damage it can do to families firsthand, and I pray they never have to deal with that. 

This all leads back to the home... to your house.... are you being a shepherd?  Are you leading someone down the wrong path?  I admire Mark for trying so diligently to stop the chain of social drinking in his family tree line... it's his desire right now, and I can't help but follow suit as I do my best to be a good example for my children.  I don't want them to do as I do... I want them to do as I say.  I don't want to be the reason one of my "brothers" in Christ stumbles. 

As you go to bed tonight... or get up in the morning and read this... I'll ask you to pray for specific people in your family... for specific situations... for specific problems... and examine your own heart... do you need to change?  It's not fun at first... you are left out of social gatherings... you are looked at as thinking you are "better" than someone else... you are talked about and almost feel lost again.... but let me tell you that the joy you have in knowing that you are not just speaking the Word... but living the Word is better than 1,000 friends. 

I believe the shepherd was at the Nativity Scene because that was me.... I need to be a shepherd... guide those who are lost to the cross... guide those who are straying back to the pasture... and guide those who may be sitting on the fence back to this side! 

I can't tell who all reads my blog... I can just see numbers of hits... but know that I pray for each one of you... I find praying for others takes the pain I might be experiencing away from me.  If you need prayer... send me a message... I'd love to add you to my prayer list.  I hope you will feel the joy in knowing that you can sit right beside the manger every day or at the feet of Jesus and ask for anything you want... there is no better feeling... while we act like sheep sometimes... strive to be that shepherd and build a relationship with Him... there is nothing better than that! 

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