I had all intentions of writing this blog before I started back to work... but that didn't work out like I planned. Our holidays for 2016 were busy, busy, and busy! We had doctor appointments for the first two days of the break and then Mark and I headed to Tennessee to watch basketball. Ben was supposed to go with us, but James invited him to spend the week in Lincolnton with him. I can't believe he would rather spend time with someone his age than his parents... I mean, really, I thought we were the coolest parents ever. It was all good though... everything worked out like it was supposed to for the week.
This picture makes me laugh all over again... We all have those friends at work that are with us through thick and thin... these are Mark's buddies who treated me just like one of them that day. It was so good to see their smiles and hear their stories... and most of all, watch three men who have been through company changes and ridiculous work loads just sit back and relax! It also didn't hurt that the food was amazing. Mike- I know Mary is smiling down on you... I pray for you often. You are a strong, strong man. I know the Lord has great things in store for you!

We were able to spend time in Tennessee because KB's basketball team was in a tournament with girls from all over Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. It was quite an experience, and I think we all agreed we know why Tennessee has such a phenomenal women's basketball program.
We arrived back in Greer just in time for Christmas Eve. I was so excited to host Christmas Eve this year. We had a house full and many, many laughs!
This was our dessert bar. I finally learned how to make creme brûlée, and my children think we have to have chocolate fondue at everything!
JMac and BC got those balloons that we love ready for big popping!
Those children are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting on their turn!
Katie Britt could possibly be upset that Matt beat her at the money game!
We needed a few more presents to open so the entire floor could have been filled... just teasing... we had too many!
Lisa brought Baby LeBron for us to unwrap with all kinds of goodies... we may have said a few words that weren't nice about the frustration, but never let it be said that we don't love a good game and "friendly competition".
And then I thought it'd be fun to have a gingerbread decorating competition... things got ugly --quickly. And the ugliest... were the two oldest participants... Lisa and Mark! But they had fun... they laughed.... and they made lots of fun memories.
The Christmas pajamas this year were Clemson... I mean we celebrate Christmas all year... let's celebrate Clemson too! These two can't be serious about anything...
That may have been a "Wet Willy"...
We always read the Christmas story on Christmas Eve out of PaPa's Bible. This year was a little faster... not as many words stumbled over... and the questions about the story were answered with no problems... I mean don't all parents check comprehension skills?
I can't help but hope that the light of the Lord shines on those two for the rest of their lives!
For the first time ever, the children requested that Santa wrap everything... at first I thought UGH... that is not a good idea... but let me just say... this season of our life with being able to go to bed... and go to sleep... and not creeping around like church mice... IS WONDERFUL... I loved it... of course Santa had hidden a few presents that never got shaken or guessed about what might be in the box! I love surprises.
After our traditional breakfast of quiche, grits (enough to feed an army) and fruit... we were ready to head to Lincolnton... BUT... BC said she would take down the kitchen tree if I would give her the bags to put things in... so I did... and that started us taking down everything... so by the time I left Greer that afternoon at 2:00... Christmas was gone from my house.
I am thinking that Ben will sit in Butch's lap to get his back rubbed until he is 20... let's just hope Butch sticks around long enough for that to happen!
New Year's weekend we invited Phil, Emmie, and Huddy to come visit, eat, and watch the ballgame. We also played lots of Clue games, matching, and laughed at all the crazy things those Tiger boys do!
I mean doesn't everyone use Clemson helmets for their centerpieces on New Year's Eve??? Mark cooked us a fancy prime rib to go with those fancy helmets!
Huddy is grown... these two were bored during the game, and I got this message... I love it! Needless to say we were thrilled that Clemson won... now I just have to talk Mark out of scheduling an "appointment" in the Tampa area on the day of the National Championship.
For the first time in many years, I had to cook lunch for New Year's Day.... I LOVED IT... I want to be Paula Deen. Brown rice, Granny's sweet potatoes, corn bread, rolls, slaw....
Pork roast, corn, turnip greens, cooked tomatoes and black-eyed peas.... It was delicious... even if I did cook it!
I love this picture... we decided to leave up the Clemson helmets for this meal too. I'm sure that it doesn't go with my dining room, but we were celebrating still!
Huddy wanted to play with the mustaches before he headed home. He is growing so much... he is so smart... and he has the sweetest little heart! He said our blessing at lunch and brought tears to my eyes!
And then... YES... I took a nap for the first time the entire break... KB and I snuck the cat inside because it was rainy and cold... forgive that pregnant looking belly... I'm working on that now! I couldn't believe that I didn't get a nap the entire break, but those two hours Sunday afternoon were marvelous!
Last night, we had leftovers for supper. I took a picture because it was my "Last Supper"... I've eaten myself into misery! Those holiday traveling and special nights pack those pounds on...
After we ate, we decided to ride up the road to Clemson... to see the boys when they got off the buses after landing at the airport. Oh what fun to stand in the rain with everyone yelling and so excited. Those boys looked tired and ready to be home, but they were very nice to everyone!
I tried the selfie thing... Those two in the back made fun of me!
I started back to work today and survived. The children come back tomorrow, and then we are in full swing with basketball for both KB and Ben. One of my resolutions is to write more this year... last year was full of change and things I didn't know how to write about... I'm hoping that I can get my thoughts down... with our jam packed schedules though... if I don't make it back until summer... we have had a great first semester back in South Carolina! I love my job... I love it!
I'm so proud of KB and Ben... for adjusting to change... for continuing to work hard in school with success... for trying new things... and for spending more time than ever with me. It's been a wonderful 2016... I pray that 2017 is even better!
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