Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve 2015

It's quiet in the house except for a little King of the Hill that Mark is watching... I'm so excited for some reason about Christmas this year...

I really don't have a special gift for my children... no big things... just little items....

I have baked four different cookies and brownies and a chocolate delight... I love to cook....

I have all my presents bought... and one left to wrap... It makes me mad the stores went green and didn't have boxes this year.

I'm hosting Christmas supper this year!  I can't wait... I love a party!

We are leaving in a little bit to celebrate the McKinney Christmas... it's my children's favorite because of those darn balloons!

I have tried to think why this Christmas is the best... I even told Mark yesterday that this was my favorite so far... I'm not sure if it has to do with Daddy being well... my children helping with everything... or the extra few days at home before Christmas Eve... but whatever it is... I'm excited!

My favorite gift that I know I'm getting is a Bible... I have ordered special pens and markers to write all in it.... I can't wait!  It may as well be a new car!

I'm so thankful for that little baby born in a manger... the one who sees my  mistakes and forgives... and let's me have many, many blessings to focus on instead of worrying about things that are out of my control.

I hope this Christmas Eve continues to be Merry... I'm waiting to see if it will top the Christmas of 1999 when I came home from the hospital with my very own bundle of joy about 4:30 PM... with no Santa... no food in the house... and overwhelmed at becoming a mama... Oh what joy that Christmas was... I was so blessed that year... and even more so now!

Merry Christmas!

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