Sunday, October 26, 2014

When Ben's Heart Hurts

I often question things that I do and don't tell my children.  When is the perfect time to tell them things?  Just how mature are they?  Can they handle the information I'm about to give them?  It's sad that children today know way more than I ever thought about knowing... working around children for the past twenty years has let me in on the latest and greatest news or gossip or whatever is going on in life.  One would think I would know this and be the first to tell something to my own children. 

Intentionally, I have kept some news from Ben because I didn't think a ten-year-old could/should know.  I knew he would be heart broken.  Yesterday, he heard from someone else and began questioning me about it.  His little heart hurt, he worried all day and night, and asked as many questions as he could about one of his friends.  He wanted to know if he was safe... I told him he was.  He wanted to know if he would ever see him again...I told him he would.  He wanted to know if he could write him... I told him he could.  This morning in church, Ben slipped me this note....

When our children hurt, we hurt.  I know it isn't realistic to ever think that he won't have to worry about someone, but it makes me sad that he is hurting for his friend.  I hope that he will see God's hand in this situation... he is praying for his friend, thinking about his friend, and hoping that one day his friend will get better.  We will transfer this note to a card tomorrow and mail it.  I'm sorry that life isn't perfect, but I'm glad to know that Ben knows in some situations the only thing he can do is pray.

While I know that he will be faced with disappointments and more worries in life, I'm glad that he thinks of others...I'm glad that he prays for others... I'm glad that he realizes that just because some people make bad choices we still love them and support them.  As he closes his eyes tonight, I hope he will remember happy times, fun times, and dream about many more to come!  Most importantly, he still loves his friend and that's exactly what he is supposed to do! 

Just when I think he can't be meaner or more sassy... he completely flips my heart and let's me see that he is as sweet as sugar when he wants to be.