Thursday, February 13, 2014


I'm not sure if it is the teacher in me... the thinker in me... or just me, but I like to think that it is my heart.  I love to look at situations and compare them to life.  Whether they  make sense to anyone else or not, they help me in whatever I am doing.

As I sit here in this warm house with hot coffee, a computer, and plans for a fun day, I can't help but think that there is a lesson to be learned by all this ice, snow, sleet, and freezing rain that has blanketed our area.

Life gets so busy... We only have four people in this house, but there isn't a day that goes by we don't have at least one place to go.  I am not sure I have sat on my couch and watched a full television show since football season.  We barely have time to sit down as a family for supper.  Everything I read tells me that families who sit down to supper are better than those who do not... the number of nights per week that it happens varies, but we are lucky for one or two.  This ice storm... makes sitting around and talking a choice. 

The ice stops all activities, all quick stops to a store, all means of leaving the house.... And while it hinders our abilities to go anywhere... it is a nuisance (thank goodness we still have power)... and it causes pain and suffering for some... IT IS BEAUTIFUL.  As I look out into the yard and see the ice covered from the recent snow this morning, I am thankful for the beauty of it.  I find a peace in knowing that it will soon be over.  I find comfort knowing that while I may not like the long duration of the ice and will go away soon and just be a memory.   I also know that weak limbs falling off the stronger branches.... really needed to go.... it will eventually make the tree better.... I find myself truly worrying about what matters... do we have food, warm shelter, and appropriate clothing?!  Everything else is  meaningless.... Thank you Lord for taking the time to provide this "stop time" in our lives... for making memories, for resting, and most of all...for finding good in bad situations....

Analogies are used to make people analyze the obvious and compare them to other things... Kind of like a puzzle...Without a doubt... God knew about this ice storm coming.... and He did it just for me to compare life situations to the situations of nature.... it worked. 

Pictures from yesterday's storm... a storm that turned out beautiful!

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