Thursday, March 8, 2012

Taking Things for Granted

I moved from Lincolnton when Cole was a month old. Janice and Jim were gracious enough to let me "have" him every weekend I came home though! I would go straight to their house and get him...there is nothing like that first baby in a family! Mama and Daddy would go get him every afternoon, and Daddy would take him to daycare in the mornings. He was our real, alive baby doll! Like all women do, I fantasized about having my own children and how they would get the same love and care that Cole did. It didn't take long for me to realize that my situation would be a little different since I was sure Mama and Daddy weren't going to drive all the way to Simpsonville every afternoon and see my children.
It is so hard to remember the afternoons of coming home when KB was a baby. That time is such a blur to me. Mark was traveling, I was working in a town about 20 miles away, I was coaching cheerleading... I was busy. I feel sure I cooked supper a time or two in that stage, but I do know that KB could recognize every restaurant on Woodruff Road at the age of 2~ KB missed those mornings of Butch picking her up... and she missed those afternoons of spending time at her grandmother's house. I still dreamed that one day my children would have the opportunity to know what living in a small town was like~ but for now~ she would have to hang out with me!
When Ben was born, we had moved to a new neighborhood and for the first time I actually knew my neighbors! We would sit in the driveway for hours and play, eat, and talk! They took the place of my family since family couldn't be there. They were there to watch my children while I ran to the doctor, or if I needed to start my supper and couldn't be outside. I still dreamed that one day KB and Ben would both have the opportunity to experience living in a small town!
After 11 years of secretly praying we could move back home, it happened. We got to come back to heaven on earth. Mark still traveled, but it was so nice that I had some help to get my children to school, pick them up from places, and get them to activities. I can remember sitting on my front porch literally in tears that I was so excited Mama was coming to get me to go to the Dollar Store. We were going to run to get light bulbs... wow... I would have never done that in the big city. Those light bulbs would have had to wait until I went to Target on Saturday morning.
I write all this above because this morning... I realized that I have been taking things for granted. Mama and Daddy had to be in Atlanta for a conference, Mark was in Nashville, and I didn't have anyone to help me out with dropping them off at school. Last night, I had that same feeling I did for about 20 years of my life... the one on Sundays when it is time to head back to college or Simpsonville... the one that makes me homesick...the one that makes me want to cry.
KB, Ben, and I prepared like we never have. We got clothes out, we bought pre-made lunches, and we got up thirty minutes earlier than we normally do. It was a work of art. They got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, and we had about 20 minutes leftover! It was amazing. I had time to "fluff"~ I made the bed, I picked up the stray items downstairs, I watered the flowers on the front porch, I unloaded the dishwasher...and I had time to get to school and put my children on the bus by 7:24! I felt so things that I used to do every morning before I moved back~
Today has been a great day because I have tried to remember to thank God every time I had the thought that I was so happy to be living here! I realize I have taken it for granted that Mama and Daddy do so much for me! I guess I have become quite lazy! While I am glad I got all those things done this morning... I still hope I have many more years that Mama and Daddy can "graciously" help me out in the mornings! It sure does make my life a lot easier. I would have never dreamed 16 years ago when all these thoughts started coming to my mind that I would be as happy as I am today!
I love that I am sitting on my front porch, listening to motorcycles rev their engines, watching an airplane go over, hearing a chain saw, and enjoying a beautiful March afternoon~ it's the simple things that make me happy~ My hope is I never take these things for granted and that I focus on the good things in life... for those are what become the best memories~

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