Wednesday, February 29, 2012

God made the sun, the moon, and the stars...

My children will learn Genesis 1:16 this week in Sunday school. We will talk about the it keeps us warm, provides a source for growth of plants, and gives us light in the daytime. The moon helps us to see at night, changes shapes throughout the month, and sometimes looks like it has holes! The stars aren't really shaped like stars, are made of fire, and twinkle! All of these ideas are simple...yet when someone thinks about them for a long is simply AMAZING.
I can't even wrap my tiny, little brain cells around that idea, but I know that God created those things and we shouldn't ever question or doubt that He doesn't have the power to do it!
Being an English teacher...I read way more symbolism into things than I should~ but I do believe that we are to be lights...just like the sun, the moon, and the stars.
God, I want to be like the sun... I would love to provide warmth for someone's heart in a time of need, I would love to be a source for the growth of my children (my seeds), and give hope, courage, and love to someone in the light of day whether they expect me to or not.
Because I am not perfect, I need to be like the moon too! I have many holes that things escape... many imperfections that need to be "fixed", and many hills and valleys of everyday life! I do hope I can change each month...shine brighter after a bad moment... provide light for someone lost in the darkness... and remind people that in the dark...there is always a little light to shine through~
Compared to the sun and the moon... I think I am better suited to be a star. I wish I was a country music star, or a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader star, or even a talk-show host star...but... I am settling for a personality made of fire...that spouts off too quickly... gets fired up about just the little things... and heats up a conversation by over analyzing things! I could definitely use some "shaping" up... the only part about me that might resemble a star would be the sharp words that come out of my mouth~
I'm working on being a good source of light... I may never make it the sun or moon status...but I do hope I can be a little source of light like that star is... I do fall sometimes... but in the end...I want to shine and on good days "twinkle" and let others know just how great it is to hang out in God's big world.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Mark~

We finish up the "month" of birthdays in this house today! Mark is 39 and holding! We celebrated last night with a supper of fondue. For some reason, Ben doesn't remember ever doing this...I guess we don't do it as much in LC as we did in Greenville! We had a delicious meal and I can't wait to lose some more weight so I can really enjoy fonduing!

Mark is spending his birthday in New York City... working. I sure wish I was there! I feel sure we could find somewhere to eat, catch a Broadway play, and then head for dessert at JRs....

Happy Birthday Mark, Daddy, Jackass, Stupid, Hardheaded.... Just teasing... He calls me Trudy...I don't have a name for him, but he answers to all the above!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Church Issues...

My blood is shouldn't be...but it is~ I should actually be in the grave if I considered how long I have been stewing~
For the first time...I have debated whether to post these thoughts of mine, but... this is all mine...and if I want to say it...I can! People who don't agree...and those who don't like... find something else to read.
OK... I have been going to church my entire life. When we moved back to LC when I was in 2nd grade, I joined the church and became a part of something I never really wanted to let go of... I have a basic understanding of the Bible, Christianity, and morals that were instilled in me. I would never claim to be holier than thou...or better than anyone else...or even more knowledgeable than anyone else when it comes to religion.
With all the above being stated... I do feel like I can see outside "the box" that some people seem to believe I should be order to be "the best".
In the last month, I have heard twice from church going people, "I would NEVER drive up and drop my children off to go to church!"... Well... the old Britt would have gone right up to them and given them a piece of my mind...this new Britt...she is sitting back and letting them look "stupid"..."ignorant"... whatever one wants to call it... I will state my mind here and avoid confrontation...I think God will like that better anyway.
Yes, I am one of the mothers who drives up on Wednesday nights and drops off my child. No one seems to notice that I have a husband who travels for a living and he isn't here to help out with the pick-up/drop-off. No one seems to notice that I have a daughter who has an activity on Wednesday nights, in another town, that she has to be taken to... Let me also state that I realize I could let her not be involved in that activity and she could go to church, but she loves dancing... and I don't recall seeing anywhere in the Bible that if your body isn't in church on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30 you have a ticket straight to hell. Let me know if ya'll find that anywhere. Finally, the last time I went to church on a Wednesday night... 15 minutes of the conversation was about how much a nut/bolt/screw cost to fix a leaking toilet... I'm sorry... but in today's time is more valuable than worrying about that! I know nothing about it!
Sarcastically...I love listening to all these people who are waiting in the parking lot when the church doors are unlocked~ they know everything... they feel their ideas are more important than anyone else's...and they are quick to let me know that I wasn't there with them to enter the church on time. I attend church... I teach a Sunday school class... and I try to participate in activities that are going on... but the last time I checked... that wasn't going to get me into Heaven. My ticket to a personal relationship with God. I guess my feelings are hurt that these people are so quick to judge me (which by the way is listed as something only God should be doing...)
To go along with the statement of being a parent who drives up and drops off... "people" think that the parents of the children should be the ones who teach / help teach the classes that are offered at church. While that may be true to some extent... I believe with all my heart that there comes a point in everyone's matter how old... that the WORD needs to be taught to you... We can always learn...we can always find out new things about the Bible. Being a teacher...and being with children all day...sometimes it would be nice to go to church and be taught to instead of being in charge of something. I think a lot of people are turned off from church because they feel they have to help out or they can't come.
Now...for all the naysayers... yes, I realize that if there is no other obligation going on during that time that you drive up and drop off... we probably should be in church... but I don't think that is going to give us a free pass to Heaven.
Lastly, Sunday after church... we go to my mama's to eat lunch as a family. There is nothing that I love more about living back in LC that those Sunday lunches (maybe LC football... but not really)... and then after relaxing Sunday afternoons... we go back for supper. My children are making memories that will last a lifetime. Those are memories that won't ever be erased... they are about loving family, having fellowship, and bonding. I'm pretty sure that God is sitting right there with us while we visit. He is powerful enough to be in two places at once! I guess it just hurts that "some people" make me feel guilty for not being at church when honestly, I feel closer to God being with my family than I do sitting with people who judge me because I'm not in church!
My eyes have been opened to why people choose not to attend church... I wish they wouldn't be turned away... but right now... I totally understand.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sacrifice of a Mother....

I sacrifice a lot to be a mother...
I think my biggest sacrifice is Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:00. KB has clogging in the big town of McCormick. It is only a fifteen minute drive... that only means that I don't drive all the way back home and stay for thirty minutes and then drive back to get her. I force myself to sit in the car for that solid hour and think...
I solve lots of problems, find out lots of information by surfing the Internet, and look around at God's world. Tonight... I noticed the clouds. I started thinking about the clouds...they have been jumping out at me this week. Sunday on the way home...there was literally a blanket of clouds that was below the airplane... it was covering everything that was going on down below. I wonder if God does that sometimes to wash away bad things, cover His eyes like a child when they don't want to see the scary movie, or if the things are so bad down here that He wants to look at the clean, soft, fluffy, white clouds and erase His mind for just a moment of what is below.
Tonight's clouds were fluffy with a pinkish tint. I really couldn't find anything in the clouds... I have been playing that game since I was little and now KB and Ben play it too... you know find shapes of things in the clouds. Because I couldn't find anything, I just stared at them and thought about how each cloud was different... had a little bad stuff in it (rain)... and yet... it would water that lake it was sitting over and help it out... and then I got really deep... Bad things to some people are good things to other people. It all depends on how you look at a situation.
I was given some very good advice this week by a superior... "A house divided will fall"... I have heard it so many times...and it is so true! Right now there may be clouds above my head, my friends' heads, my co-workers' heads, etc.... but there has to be some good in there somewhere. God let me see the good in it... let me focus on those good things! Don't build walls that can't be broken, don't burn bridges that can't be rebuilt, and for goodness sakes... don't look at a situation (cloud) and automatically focus on the bad! Find the silver lining... so tonight...I am looking at the good of situations!
My title is totally sarcastic... I love my Wednesday nights... I get to sit quietly, uninterrupted and think. I also think it is pretty special to sit in my car and peek through the window at the most beautiful little dancer I have ever watched. She makes my heart smile... her smile is contagious... I hope that my eyes will show the love of situations like hers do when she dances. I might look like a dark, gloomy, tired cloud...but inside...I am happier than I have ever been in my life. Thanks Sis~ you make me love being a mother... and your dancing helps me see that clouds are everywhere... I just need to focus on that silver-lining!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Dear Snow,

As a little girl, I loved you...until my 6th birthday. Mama made cookies for me take to my 1st grade class in Morrilton, Arkansas... and it snowed. In fact...I think it snowed every Wednesday for an entire month.
I remember going snow skiing when I was in the fourth grade... in the snow. Worst day of my life. That was my first and last time skiing. I hated it! The snow was hard... I couldn't ski!
Growing up in Lincolnton...I remember having a snowday my senior year of high school. We goofed off all day and did things that high school seniors shouldn't do~ but it was fun!
I remember two times it snowing while I was in college. One time, I stayed at school for St. Patrick's Day...and it snowed... the other time... Mark, Jefferson, Connie, and I played all night long at Mama and Daddy's house! We had a WONDERFUL time...doing things college kids shouldn't do~ but it was fun!
When we moved to Greenville...I can't even count the number of times it snowed/iced... There were several that were memorable... the first time...I was all alone in our first little house... I cried...but it was beautiful. I remember KB being a little baby and having all our friends over to do things that young, married adults do when it snows that they shouldn't~ but it was fun! I remember the year Ben was snowed... KB rode her Gator through the snow with the dog chasing her as Ben and I stayed inside.
Last year in snowed several times! We all got together with our friends and their children and did things that we shouldn't do~ but it was fun!
Today- I have done those things that we shouldn't do~ but it was fun~ I have cleaned my house... done all the laundry... put lines on the carpet... and COOKED a great supper! It has been a wonderful day at home relaxing and spending time with the family! Snow days should be spent outside...playing... but I DON'T like to play in the snow!
So...Mr. Snow~ I don't really care that you haven't shown up this year... I took it upon myself to do all those things that I normally do on a snow day... especially eating... and did it even though you weren't here!

P S ~ I also took all your little snowmen brothers and put them in their box until next year... I'm ready for rabbits, eggs, and plastic grass to cover my house! You better not show up here!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thursday Thirteen on Friday Morning

1. Southern hospitality doesn't just appear... there are factors to it. I had to remind myself of this yesterday as a foreign lady passed about 15 people in line for something to eat last night. Just because I was in Atlanta... I assumed everyone would be nice, kind, follow the rules. I would have shoved her sandwich where the sun don't shine, but her shorts were so short and tight there was nothing else going to fit there! Honestly, I think she knew what she was doing... she just played dumb so no one attacked her.

2. One of my biggest fears on the night before I was admitted to the hospital to deliver KB was the enema the nurse spoke about numerous times. I lost sleep over it. Thank goodness I never had to have it because things didn't go as planned, but.... I am considering writing the transportation powers to be to mandate one before getting on a plane. I taught middle school for 13 years... I know boys think that is THE funniest sound and best smell in the world. The first time the little boy behind me did it last night... I did giggle...but then I had to take my coat and cover my face. It was truly like the cartoons... the green fog came over and I felt like I was being infected with the mess. The mama and daddy and brother....they laughed and giggled the first time too... but then... about the fifth wasn't funny anymore. The stewardess was even knocked over by the smell. Finally, the lady sitting across the aisle from me turned around and said, "Is that your kid?"... I admire her for saying something... but it didn't help... it still went on... A W F U L!

3. This brings me to the lady who spoke up. I have watched the show before about what would you do in a situation. I didn't say anything... she did. Of course my attention moved to her. I enjoy watching people's feet/shoes when they are walking by me to their seat. Cute shoes don't always mean a cute person though...kind of like a game. Well... I had not noticed her... except the fact that she had on panty hose with flip flops. Not a good combination...Where did anyone get the idea to wear shorts or a skirt with panty hose and open-toed shoes??? Big fashion mistake... especially with flip flops.

4. It wasn't until later in the flight that I noticed those panty hose had runs all up the toe was sticking out... and a hole in her knee. She looked as if she had gotten shot in her panty hose.

5. When I sat down in my seat on the plane, I had this nice man already seated by the window. He spoke, I spoke, and then he got on his telephone. "Baby, I missed my flight... paid $300 to get on this flight... I will be home about 12:30 AM... I will talk to you later." I thought that was nice. He told me where to go in Houston to shop. I noticed as I was hooking my seat belt that the bar to separate us was pulled up... therefore... I knew he had a big ole booty. People can't help that, but I like the barrier. Later in the flight... I wanted to pull the bar down because I am not sure what the square object was he had in his pocket, but the corner of it kept poking me... I really think it was a small box. I would suggest to people to clear their pockets when traveling.

6. I teach school every day... we have rules. I think people should abide by the rules. The stewardess did her spill about safety... turn all electronic devices off... I do it. Flip flop/panty hose girl... she didn't... she put her phone between her legs... up her skirt... yes...up her skirt... and left her headphones in... never turned it off! I wanted to slap her! Then the teenager flying in the seat in front of me.. he let his tray back down as soon as the stewardess buckled up for take off... Rules people... follow them! I wanted to tell on them...but I didn't want to take my coat away from my face long enough to speak!

7. When it was finally time to legally get out electronic devices...the man beside me got out a dvd player. He was watching a movie with Steve Martin and Queen Latifah... loud... music involved. I didn't have the heart to tell him that his earphones weren't plugged in to the player. Everyone around us could hear it! The stewardess earned her money... told him the earphones weren't working! He then asked me why I didn't tell him! I just smiled!

8. When we got the signal that we had about twenty minutes left in the flight... flip flop/panty hose girl... she began digging in her purse. She redid all of her makeup... brushed her hair... but never once noticed the panty hose holes. I mean...she was obviously fixing up at midnight for someone... did she think he wasn't going to notice the fashion disaster? As I was watching her... I decided she looked like a Boston Terrier. My friend Staci has a game where she identifies people as animals... She would have been proud of me!

9. I thought the flight would never end! I made it safely to the hotel... in a cab... by myself. I might even be able to get around without being scared to death now!

10. We didn't set an alarm this morning... the fire alarm went off. Neither of us moved. Isn't it sad that we don't react to fire alarms! This is twice in the past three months that I haven't reacted to a fire alarm. One day it will be like the boy who cried wolf... I just hope I'm on the bottom floors instead of the 18th like today!

11. Houston is predicting five inches of rain today. I can't control the weather... I 'm going out and doing everything just like it is a beautiful, sunny day. I hope I don't drown.

12. I love how Mark packs his own bags... yet asks me where his vitamins are... his headphones... his shoes... I swear he talks sometimes to just talk. I bet no one likes to sit by him on the airplane!

13. I am off to the gym, breakfast, and a day of touring! Please forgive left out words.... no time to proofread!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Life Update...

I sure do hope in about 6 months I look back at this page and say, "Why in the world would you have worried about that???"... We will see! I know God does things in His time, according to His will, and based on His plan...I just hope I see the light at this dark tunnel that I am trying to tread out of!

Mark leaves in the morning for Houston...I follow tomorrow night. I have never loved that Mark's job involved traveling until he started letting me come along. I am not sure what all is in store for us this weekend, but I have a feeling that I am going to be closer to meeting a past President of the US than I ever have... I can't wait to say I met such and such and he knew "him". I'm not going to steal anything from this person's house like Barbara Walters does, but I can promise I am going to use my phone in the bathroom to take pictures!

Another babies. I really do hate leaving them. I know they are going to be in excellent hands though! Mama and Daddy left us when we were little all the time to go to ballgames and everything else...we all turned out with common let's hope my two will do the same.

Tomorrow I have a meeting from 8-12... no work on Friday... so this has been a short week. It is the season for IEPs in Sped... that means long days, long nights, and long reports. I am hoping to be finished by Spring Break...with a few miracles of some extra time in the day!

I will try to update and write a Thursday Thirteen!

By the way- Valentine's Day went unmentioned in my house...if that is a word... I am hoping for a nice dinner in Houston~ you know...Chic-Fil-A or Sonic... I love to tell my students about the time that Mark called and told me to get ready to go to "dinner". I did... we pulled up at Sonic. If he wants to splurge we will go to Chic-Fil-A... I know you will be dying to see which place we go!

Love, B

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dear Ben

Dear Ben,
Eight years ago today I went to the doctor… I was told to report to the hospital! Excitement, fear, and love were just a few of the emotions I felt as I was preparing to deliver you. I ate ice chips for my dinner, and I watched Urban Cowboy for my entertainment.
I have spent some time the last few days just looking through picture after picture of how much you have changed over these last eight years. I have a big lump in my throat because I know that I can’t stop time… Oh how I would love to have you back in my arms…rocking you, feeding you a bottle, or holding you while you were sleeping. I would love to have those precious curls back that were once all over your head! I miss you calling me from your crib with your “pi-pi” in your mouth and five “soft blankets/ tag”… and then begging for “hot juice”. There are so many memories of you that make me smile and cry all at the same time. I see that black tooth and think about how lucky we were that you hit your mouth and not your head! I see you playing, growing, and learning right before my eyes.
This year you have really turned into a stinky, rotten, active little boy! You are in first grade and you amaze me at your “smarts”. You have more common sense than anyone in our entire house. Just a few weeks ago, I couldn’t get the weed eater cranked. You told me to move and proceeded to take the filter off, dip a paper towel in gas, stick the paper in something (I don’t even know the name of), pulled the string… and cranked my weed eater! I think you have been hanging out with Mayonnaise learning all these tricks.
First grade has been a transition for you. You have homework and lots of it! I love that you outsmart me and the teachers and figure out the quickest way to get it completed without looking like you didn’t really care two hoots about it! I love that you think being outside is the best thing in the world. I love that you are a “worker bee”. I love to watch your little brain work and figure things out. Santa brought you a four-wheeler for Christmas, and I think he should have waited… but you sure are doing a good job of driving it. You are turning into a big boy this year!
As I think about how much you have grown this year, I can’t help but wish for good things for your future. I pray that you will find a wife one day to appreciate everything little stinky thing about you! I hope she will put up with a blanket hoarder, a snorer, and crumbs in the bed!
You won’t appreciate this for years, but I thank you so much for being my little boy. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t had a little boy to be a mama to… you keep me on my toes, you keep me up date with all the latest music, and you keep me feeling young trying to keep up with you. I love you precious one! You are my heart…and remember that I will always love you when no one else does! When that first girl breaks your heart… I will fight for you! When you don’t get chosen at recess first… I will choose you! When your daddy makes you work in the yard…I will bring you ice cold water! When your sister picks on you…I will take up for you! When you walk down that aisle to tell God you want to be His…I will be there to hold your hand. When you have bad dreams at night…I will turn the light on and stay up with you. When you are hungry at 2AM…I will get up and fix you something to eat. I am thrilled to be your mama~
Finally~ Thank you for my precious flowers you brought me this week...walking around the circle holding your hand and you stopping to pick me flowers gave me hope that you are going to turn into a fine young man! I love you much!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tomorrow I turn 41 years old.
When I was little, 41 was O.L.D! It isn’t…it is young! I feel young, I want to be young, and I want to look young! Who doesn’t?
As I look back at my life, I have learned so many lessons in the 41 makes me think I am old...but I wouldn't trade anyone's life for mine right now~ I am a lucky girl!
1. In 1979, we moved to Lincolnton. I learned that I didn’t have to be afraid of ever moving again (more later), I didn’t have to be afraid of teachers, I didn’t have to be afraid of “strangers”. We were in Lincolnton, we were home, we were with family.
2. In 1980, I found out that the feeling of guilt or uh oh something is wrong…was my believing in Jesus~ I knew He was something special.
3. In 1983, at the age of 12, I learned that I was going to survive if I spent the night away from home. I still don’t like staying at other people’s houses, but I realized that I would make it back home safely!
4. In 1984, I realized that if I wore a shirt dark enough~ and big enough~ the boys wouldn’t know I had on a bra. I was so naïve, modest, afraid of growing up!
5. In 1986, I discovered that just because you win a beauty pageant doesn’t make you beautiful. I have never had so many people tell me that winning a pageant doesn’t matter…it’s what is on the inside. They were so right!
6. In the fall of 1987…I learned what true RED DEVIL spirit was! I cheered for our third state championship team, and I begged to buried in my cheerleading uniform if anything ever happened to me!
7. In 1989, I learned that just because my life was over at Lincoln County High School…it was really just beginning. I also learned about love gone wrong and sometimes unanswered prayers are the BEST!
8. The years of 1990-1994- I could write a book about my college days. My funniest/saddest memory… I remember walking into my apartment and seeing a zip-loc bag of “grass” on the table. I thought it was grass clippings. It wasn’t… I found that out later on, but I learned that I didn’t have to do that to be cool…to be in…to be a part of a group. I am proud to say that I have never done drugs. I hope my children will follow in my footsteps. I also learned around 1991 through the summer of 1992 that loving someone was so easy when they were good to you! I think I fell in love when I realized he would be a great daddy!
9. In 1996, I learned what it was like to be married! I know that first year should be wonderful, happy, and great… mine wasn’t! Mark left me on Sunday afternoons and didn’t come back until Friday nights. I was so lonely...but those two years of his hard work have gotten us where we are right now! I learned that moving away from Lincolnton was not that bad, and I learned that God will give you friends to replace the emptiness of moving to a new town. I learned that friends can do for you what family can do when family isn’t around. I learned what a true best friend is…and I learned that clothes, dishes, and houses don’t have magic fairies to clean them!
10. In 1998, I learned that going to work in a small town like Lincolnton would save me from not being at home. I met people who will never be forgotten…I will always love… I will always respect! God put me there for them to take care of my family and me since we weren’t home!
11. In 1999, I learned what it was like to hold a baby girl in my arms that was all mine! I learned what unconditional love was. I learned that even though she was relying on me for her every need… nothing would ever make me not love her. I also learned my actions and words would reflect how she grew up…I would be an influence to her! I also realized what my mama meant when she would say how special it was that I was her girl… She always sent me cards that said, “We girls!”… I love that KB and I have that bond now!
12. In 2004, I learned that the gift of a baby boy the morning after my birthday would be a present no one could ever top. I learned that the love of a mama for a little boy is very different from that of a daughter. I learned that he would always have my heart and just like a mother lion…I would attack anyone who hurt my baby boy! I also met some pretty awesome neighbors who I can rely on to entertain me with just a picture or a one word text!
13. In 2006, I learned what it was like to lose a father-in-law and watch a husband be touched by the hands of God. Bobby’s death had a silver-lining… Mark grew closer to God and decided he wanted to be the father his daddy was. He was never a bad person… but now he is so much more! He is a hard-worker, a good daddy, and does everything he can to give us what we need!
14. In 2007, I learned that if you pray for something long enough…in God’s time (like 13 years)… dreams/prayers are answered! I finally got to move back home! I wouldn’t give a thing for being here to take my daddy to doctor, to ask my mama to cook a dessert for me, to see my nieces and nephews grow up before my eyes, and to eat lunch at my mama's every Sunday. I am thrilled that my children can grow up in this little pond of Lincolnton!
15. In 2011, I learned that turning 40 really wasn’t all that bad! I had the best of friends at a party to help me celebrate! I finally got to dance on the table! I loved pretending to be in high school again with all the old timey music played. I only wish I could have a party every year!
16. This has really been a great year! I have learned that doing the right thing isn’t always the easiest thing…but it is the right thing! I have learned to bite my tongue. I have learned to choose my battles. I have learned to make every effort I can to “make memories” with my children! I've learned to put my family first. A few of our memories this year will be a tree falling on our roof, buying a camper and having to live in it while the roof was replaced, boat rides with Dabo, flying on an airplane, riding on Amtrax, going to Philadelphia, a trip to New Orleans, following an awesome high school football team, going to Clemson ball games, and going to church together!
17. Turning 41 isn’t going to be bad at all! Besides...the new old is like 80...instead of 40!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2, 2012~ Thursday Thirteen

1. Thank all of you for the sweet comments, text messages, and voice mails. Who knew my sitting at a computer at night pouring out my emotions on a keyboard would mean something to somene other than myself, my children...and my family. I have been asked why I have this... I have this blog to let out what is bottled up inside me... to see the highs and lows of help my children remember what they put me through...the tears of laughter and tears of fear. I may have to filter some of my rants now that I know someone other than my mama and Guille are reading!

2. Ben has his first love. Actually, it's his second...because I am his first... but he asked me this week if he could get his "girl" a necklace. He has a look of love in his eyes that makes it bittersweet! I'm gonna add his future wife to my prayer list. I hope she will love him, be able to deal with his hard-headed ways, be a good mama, and take care of him...because he will always be my baby boy.

3. I am excited about what I have ordered for my mama for her birthday. I keep checking every day to see if it is going to be delivered by her birthday... still not here, but I have a few days. I love it so much...I got me one too! My family doesn't like to do birthdays... but I saw this and thought we both needed it! February is the month for our family for birthdays... Mama's is the 6th, mine the 9th, Ben's the 10th, and Mark's the 28th.... Of course I am always dieting during February so I hardly ever make a cake or have a party for all of us... Maybe I should!

4. I love good news. I especially love good news when I get to sit back and watch those who love misery sit and wait to see how I am going to react to the bad news they think I am getting....If I were a child I would have to say nanny, nanny, boo boo....I am an adult I will just watch how everything unfolds and pray for the best!

5. I can't believe the weather this week. I am not complaining though! We cleaned the boat this weekend and I would love to be out on it! I can't wait for this summer. My skin is craving that sunshine! I am excited about coming in off the boat and feeling that sun-crisped skin that feels so much better after a little lotion. I am ready for laughing with my friends over the water. I'm ready to watch sunsets and put my feet in the sand. I am ready to relax!

6. The Super Bowl is this weekend... I love the Manning I am pulling for the Giants. I am really just looking forward to eating the snacks! Like Forrest Gump says... That's all I have to say about that!

7. Katie Britt and Ben rode down the "Chicken House" trail today on the four-wheelers...I knew that had been gone for quite some time... they were at the creek... couldn't get up the hill to get back... thank goodness she has a phone and had it with her. I would have never found them! If I see them down that trail again...I am going to wring their necks and give them to the Chicken House to fry up!

8. I miss Thursday nights at Georgia Southern. I can count on my hand (yes, just one hand) the number of weekends I spent in the "boro". I am a homebody... do I regret not staying...well... no, not really. I probably had a lot of potential to get into trouble! Anyway... I lived for Thursday nights. I would start on Mondays deciding what to save in my weekly wardrobe for the Thursday night outing! We always met at someone's apartment and headed to wherever we needed to go! I loved the time with my friends... I miss 90210...I miss The Cosby Show... I miss waking up and being so excited about coming home on Fridays.... My Thursdays now... aren't much different! I came home today and "fluffed" the all the clothes washed... cleaned the toilets... and my favorite...made lines on the carpet! I am enjoying all that right now... that cleanliness... KB is in the shower and Ben has gone "Coyote" hunting with Marion! It won't last long, but I am learning to appreciate the little things!

9. Next week is going to be the busiest week I have until...well...looks like my calendar doesn't seem as messy as it does for next week... I am trying to enjoy tonight... I won't have a night next week to enjoy just sitting! I'm hoping I don't get into panic mode and make myself miserable with all the responsibilities!

10. Last week in World History, one of the words was reincarnation. I am not a good student... I wasn't teaching... I was on room patrol...making sure everyone was on the right page, taking notes, not eating, awake, quiet, answering questions to fill in notes, whew... I had a minute to think... about reincarnation. Of course I don't really believe in it, but I have thought about what I would want to be. I don't think I would come back as a person. If I could come back as something... I would want to be my cat. What a life... she is usually waiting at the door when I get up in the mornings crying to top of her lungs... I open the door and she comes in starving like she hasn't had a thing to eat in months... Then she hides. We don't know where she hides...but about supper time every night...she comes down and we let her out.... How hard could life be with that schedule? I tease my children and say she leaves and goes to spend the night with her boyfriend after we feed her. (I need to pray about that too... I do hope that my children don't sleep all day and party all night...and only use me for food!)

11. To Guille: I got to eat with Mama tonight since Mark was out of town... Good thing you didn't come because Daddy and I had to give up our fish so KB and Ben could have something else to eat! Mama cooked six pieces of fish...they ate two each... It was good... but no leftovers for your lunch tomorrow... Head to Hardees!

12. Facebook suggestion: This week there has been so much drama on there... not anything of interest of me... but "junk" for lack of a better word. Well... I have gotten rid of that drama. Delete people who drive you crazy on facebook... don't tell the facebook world about your issues! Someone should start a new one and call it "Dramabook"... might be worth a billion one day! Another one "Bragbook".... let me tell you how good I am, how good my children are, and how I want everyone to think my life is perfect... All of that in my sarcastic voice! Honestly... someone should start a "Prayerbook"~

13. I haven't cooked anything great this week... I do hope to have a new recipe to share next week! If you need some ideas until then...! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Saw God Today

If I had to pick my favorite country music star, I would pick Vince Gill. I can count on my fingers and toes the number of times that Mama and I have trucked across the southeast to see him. At first, I didn't really think he was all that grand... but then...I saw him in person and fell in love! One of the funniest things he ever said at a concert was "Why do all you women bring your bras and panties to Alan Jackson and Garth Brooks and I get golf balls from you?"... Yep, Mama and I had a little basket with a golf towel and balls to take down front... but we thought he would like it! And besides... I would never part with my underwear!
This post should be about my love for Vince Gill and how Mark and I danced at our wedding to his song....but it isn't... this post is about George Strait~ If Mark and I were to go back and get married again... we would probably have to dance to something by him. He touches my heart!
Mark and I started dating in 1991. He was a freshman at Clemson and I was getting ready to start my third year (probably as a freshman) at Georgia Southern. We had a great time together on the few weekends we saw each other at first. He would always come to my house on Sundays and play basketball...Mama would cook supper... and he would head back to Clemson. I guess that is when Mama started cooking on Sunday nights??? We had been dating for several months and the conversation came up about "going steady". Well...I knew we were going steady because I sure wasn't dating anyone else...and I didn't think he was either. I remember sitting on the couch at his house and him saying, "You are my girlfriend, aren't you?"... I said, "You never asked me to be your girlfriend, so I am not sure!"... He got up, went in the kitchen, and came back with a sticky note. The note said, "Will you be my girlfriend? Check yes or no"...It was so "corny", but I smiled the biggest smile and pondered which box to check. Playing hard to get, I told him I would think about it and let him know. I carried that sticky note in my wallet for years. (I wish I could find it now)... I am not sure I ever marked a box, but we are still together after almost 21 years!
Four years later in October of 1995, I came home from work... got ready to go the LC vs. Johnson County football game and never realized it would be a night I would never forget. The ballgame was quite boring...and Mark kept begging for us to leave at we did! I walked in Mama and Daddy's... went out on the deck to get our cat...and sat on the couch. Mark told me to put the cat down because he had something for me to read. I thought he was an idiot... he wouldn't sit down... and he was so nervous! He gave me a "note" which was three legal pages he had written on... It was a letter telling me how cool he was... things about our relationship... and a bunch of other nonsense. I really thought he was off his rocker...and he still wouldn't sit down! When I finally got to the last said... "I was wondering if you would be my wife.... check yes or no"! I was so darn excited I couldn't stand it! The first person I told was John Hogan because he was taking up tickets and I needed him to let me back into the game. It was a complete surprise! George Strait's check yes or no song... I think he wrote it for us... except we didn't know each other in 3rd grade!
When Mark started teaching Sunday school, he would always ask the class if we had seen God that week... At first I struggled with that... not realizing exactly what that meant... but in the last year... I have really concentrated on "seeing God".
Education isn't the best job to have right now...for security. I love my job. I love my "babies". I love to watch those light bulbs come on... I love to watch them struggle and finally get it... I love to watch them mature. I can't imagine doing anything else, but lately I have had to start thinking of alternative means of making money if I don't have a job! Today as I was walking around my neighborhood... I was thinking... Am I really going to get to make it in the educational field 30 years? There are so many things that are up in the air right now. If anyone had asked me 10 years ago about the state of education today... I would have said... everyone should try to be a teacher! Just this week...I encouraged KB to be something else. Sad... very sad! As I walked more... I felt drops of rain on my face...I heard the raindrops hitting the leaves... I saw the rain covering the pavement... and I knew... God... those are raindrops that are washing me clean. Not my outside... but my inside... Letting me know that as long as I am "clean" You will watch over me... protect my family...bless my family...hold my family in Your hands. George Strait...I saw God today. Through the darkness of a rain shower... so much light came to be.
I am still working on getting my broom fixed and sweeping up around my porch before I work on others...When God shows up like that... I see my broom straightening up and working on my own doorstep...those dust bunnies of doubt, worry, and frustration... I am trying really hard to get rid of all that...
I saw God today... His fingerprints were all over those rain drops... all over my children's faces as they enjoyed supper and laughed, all over that man sitting on the couch who asked me to check yes or no! I hope one day that my children will look back at the things I write and remember that God is there... just sit and listen...He shows up every time! If they struggle with something...I hope they see God! Thanks George Strait! You have made me smile when a smile didn't seem possible!