Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Katherine Britt McKinney

Dear Sis~
I know that you will not appreciate this letter on your 12th birthday, but I want you to know several things before you get too big! This year has been such a year of growth for you! You are as tall as me, you finally have a cute little booty (that has potential of being like mine if you don't quit eating), and you are right on schedule for those pre-teen attitude adjustments!
I can't go through a year and not reflect on the day of your birth. You made me believe that miracles do happen and they can happen to ordinary people. You won't understand until you have your own babies to hold, but there is nothing like it! I love that you have a mind of your own. It makes me laugh and giggle when you roll your eyes, suck your teeth, and want to know why you can't do ANYTHING! FYI, I am 40 and Jane still tells me what I can and can't do~ (and I still roll my eyes at her and suck my teeth... you are my payback)
I can finally say that we need a two bedroom house. For years, I have said all we need is a one bedroom, one bathroom house. This year you have changed and moved upstairs! It is bittersweet. It lets me know that you are going to be okay when you have to go to college one day, but it makes me sad to think that you aren't worried about the dark, nighttime, and spending the night away from home!
I am so proud of you this year. You are trying extra hard to earn your end of the year reward, and I have full confidence that you will succeed. You are blessed with your daddy's "smarts" and I know you can do it!
This year you have started clogging. I have watched you do all forms of dance, but I think you have found your love. It makes me happy to watch you glow as you dance. It's hard to explain, but I know you love it! You don't complain about it, it challenges you, and you enjoy it! Those are perfect things to practice when deciding what you want to be when you grow up too!
I will end again with an apology~ I am so sorry that you were born in December. While there will never be another Christmas to top your birth, I am sure you feel slighted sometimes because parties, presents, and hoopla over your day isn't very evident. Your care-free attitude helps that out... it's wonderful to know you aren't demanding and insist on a party!
I thank you for making my dreams come true. On that day in 1999 when I visited the doctor and found out I was pregnant, I immediately asked God to please let there be a little baby girl in my belly that I could dress up, put make-up on, and wear the biggest bows with smocked dresses I could find! Although some of that isn't applicable right now, I sure am glad He gave me you! You bring tears to my eyes and don't even know it!
I love you Sis!


PS... I will buy you something really nice if you will wear a big bow and Christmas smocked dress! JK...I admit it...you are too big for them!

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