Where the Blue Ridge yawns it's greatness
How many times I wondered about this over the past few weeks... Mama and Daddy didn't go with me to mine... I'm not sure any parents went with their students in the "olden" days! I feel sure that even if I hadn't gone with KB she would have been just fine, but sometimes we follow the trend and do what everyone else does... Mark and I both went with her to orientation. Those two together didn't really need me, but I'm glad they let me be a part of this "bonding time"!
Where the Tigers play
We headed out after work and voting for the first time to attend orientation. We chose this week because Ben is at camp, and I knew if he went he would be bored to death!
The McKinneys judge a good time by the food we eat. They jumped out of the car as soon as we hit downtown Clemson to make it to one of our favorites.
After we stuffed ourselves with a delicious supper, I was ready to head to the hotel and get ready for the next day.
Here the Sons of dear old Clemson
These two wouldn't hear of that... She asked if we could just walk around and see everything. She has been coming to Clemson since birth... but never really had to pay attention. We carted her everywhere. Things are different now... she will be here without him. I think that thought scares him more than her.
Mark relived many stories of his college days... praying that KB wouldn't follow in his footsteps. He told us of many nights and many funny stories, but I'm hoping she chooses a different path! I pray every day she will continue down the path she has chosen right now. I'm not stupid... I know that some children go wild, crazy, and completely change when they leave home... but it never hurts to bathe children in prayer. I can tell her not be trashy, not to stay out too late because that's when you get yourself in trouble, don't take a drink from strangers, don't spend the night with your boyfriend, don't skip classes, don't, don't, don't.... but she is 18 years old now... she is leaving home and I have to "push" her out and pray we have taught her right from wrong... she's already learned a few life lessons, but I hope she knows that doing the right thing is always the right thing!
Reign supreme alway
On our walk we found her dorm for the fall. Just about every girl we have talked to who has been to Clemson lived in this dorm. I'm excited that she has had the opportunity to spend the night there and now knows what it's like!
After we walked the campus, we decided to ride the campus... okay... they decided to ride the campus. We had to show her how to get to her duty post for Saturday game days. I'm more thankful than ever for google maps on her phone. Thank the Lord she has that to find her way around campus.
Dear old Clemson we will triumph ~ and with all our might
Who can visit the campus and not ride the football field!?! We FINALLY got to head to the hotel! After a hot, sweaty walk up and down every hill in Clemson, we entered our cool hotel room... with ONE KING-SIZED BED. It's called McKinney luck... I married into it... sometimes I think I'm the luckiest girl in the world... and then other times... I'm cursed.
Can you tell who is the most excited... way in front of us... so ready to see what this school has to offer!
As we sat and listened to presentations and people ask questions... I have confirmed that are really people who can always make me feel brilliant! Common sense is no longer common... it's simply amazing that some of these people can travel from across the country and get to South Carolina and look at us like we are redneck hicks... and then they ask the question if it's possible to avoid 8AM classes for freshmen. Really, lady? I'm not sure which college she went to, but pecking order is still alive and well on college campuses!
And with all our might
After a few more questions, we headed to separate classes without our children. We broke into groups by colleges, and "Eliza Doolittle" was in our group with her hat, skirt, and flower... I wanted to stand up and applaud the leader of our group who told this parent that she wasn't really going to get to have any say so in her daughter's education anymore. It doesn't matter that you pay the bills, you give her everything she wants... she is old enough now for it to be her decision if she wants you to know about it or not. I'm not real clear how she didn't already know this. FERPA... look it up!
That the Tiger's roar may echo

Mark's silliness had kicked in at this point in the day... our visit to pick up the Tiger One card had him in the middle of the bookstore begging for me to take his picture. I swear if crazy things don't happen to us like the king-size bed mix-up... he will call attention to us so people think we are crazy! I ran into one of my hometown friends who has a daughter going there next year... thank goodness she didn't see this show!
O'er the mountain height
Sis and I love a little power nap... I appreciate Mark snapping this picture... We are like Forest and Bubba... you lean on me and I'll lean on you! I had heard just about enough of this man telling me that Sis wasn't going to be a big fish in a little pond anymore. I knew that brother... I already knew that!
We finished the day by heading to Mac's Diner for a good cheeseburger and fries.
After a small breakdown.... we dropped her off to spend the night in the dorm by herself. I'm pretty sure this is up at the top of my list of the hardest thing I've ever done. She realized that most of the girls she was talking to didn't spend the night in the dorm the second night... they stayed with their parents. She had signed up to stay though... as hard as it was... I made her stay. I know she could have "cut me", but I thought it would be better if she at least experienced this before the real event! I left her without a chaperone, without someone to check on her in the night, and without knowing if she would make it back from the gathering for the students that night.
We will dream of greater conquests ~ for our past is grand
The next morning we picked Sis up after advisement and headed to the Esso. Who knew they served a meat and three?
While there, we did a little planning for class schedule...
And her sons have fought and conquered every foreign land
The stress on her face hurts my heart... and to think she spent hours working on that schedule... that I'm not sure even one class worked out for her.
Where the mountains smile in grandeur ~ O'er the hill and dale
That's Sis walking to register... we stayed back because we were told that parents couldn't go inside the building unless there was someone still sitting there two hours after the registration time. Mark and I walked around and spoke to vendors, registered her for IPTAY, found out about the Baptist Student Ministry, and even found her a job! We waited and waited... and in my mind I knew that she was having a difficult time because she doesn't know how to make a decision. I fully expected to be that parent that was asked to come inside at the two hour mark. We decided to walk over and shortly after we got there... she came out smiling. Her schedule was nothing like she planned, but she is finally registered!
Here the Tiger lair is nestling ~ swept by storm and gale
I just have to stop and say a little prayer here because if you look closely... that's her phone giving her directions. I pray she can keep it charged... and always knows the name of the building she needs to be heading to for classes!
We are brothers strong in manhood,For we work and strive.
After she registered, we headed back to Hendrix for the famous Clemson Ice Cream. I have to admit mine was delicious... blue cheese and honey flavored.
Our time at orientation had come to an end... we were tired, but we were registered....
It 's something about sleeping in the car that makes for such good rest!
And our Alma Mater reigneth ~ ever in our lives.
We are now awaiting August 17th... official move in day! Classes start the 22nd... and I'm sure I'll blink and be planning a graduation from college party! Life sure does go by fast when you are having fun!
This picture was taken about a year ago... we didn't know how this year would turn out... it's more than we could have dreamed of though... I'm just as excited about you heading to Clemson as you and your daddy... I'm wondering how the stars aligned that Family Weekend of your freshman year is the Clemson vs. Georgia Southern game? ! ? !
Sis- the world is yours to take and do what you want! I can't wait to see the "Places you will go!"...
And even though I didn't go to school at Clemson, I read this article and couldn't say it any better... enjoy your time in your favorite place in the world (so far)!
Something in These Hills
Times when so many things seem to be coming unglued are disquieting times. These are disquieting times.
It always intrigues me how nearly any specific condition of nearly any specific time can find some application in a book that, essentially, was handed down to us by word of mouth through century.
I believe it says somewhere, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help."
My thoughts often wander through these upper South Carolina hills that shelter the University that forms a common bond for many thousands of people who have studied here, or taught here or worked here.
There's something in these hills that has touched every one of them, something that has rubbed off on them in varying degrees, something that has built within the breasts of all Clemson men and women an enduring spark akin to an eternal pride.
There's something in these hills. It was here when a handful of fledgling faculty members greeted a relatively small band of 446 students more than 80 years ago. That was shortly after convict labor had completed an administration building and clock tower that still dominate these Blue Ridge foothills with a timelessness and serenity that impart inspiration and strength anew each time they are looked upon.
There's something in these hills that has endeared itself to an endless procession of administrators, teachers, students, secretaries and workman. Hundreds of names pass through my consciousness, names of people who gave selflessly of themselves to build the institution nestled here and who at one and the same time mined the priceless something the hills contain and returned to them still more of it.
I have my names and I see once more the faces and feel again the beloved personalities that go with them. If you will but close your eyes and drift awhile you too will recall the names and faces and personalities of those who meant the most to you while the privilege of being among them was yours.
There's something in these hills and from them we have drawn the power to transcend the stresses and strains that tug away to make things come unglued in these disquieting times, the power to cut through such modern concepts - and such modern facts - as generation gaps, communication gaps and ideological gaps.
Where is the generation gap when an alumnus who spent four years in these hills before the turn of the century says, "Next to my church and my home, I love Clemson University beyond all other institutions this side of heaven," and when a graduate-to-be says, "Excepting only my parents, Clemson has meant more to me and done more for me than anything that has touched my life."
There's something in these hills that has bound together a man of over ninety and a boy under twenty, something that has given them a common ground on which to stand and a start toward bridging, and eliminating, and gap or any stress or any strain that might try to make unglued whatever they seek for themselves as they move out of these hills into the mountains, the plains, the oceans, the forests, the skies and the storms of life.
We have all drawn from these hills something to suggest to youth that those over thirty can be trusted and to indicate to those over thirty that the qualities of youth are as sound today as they ever were.
There is something in these hills that brings together and binds together and holds together men and women of all persuasions, of all heights, sizes, weights, and cultural backgrounds - something that cuts across every difference, spans every gap, penetrates every wall - something that makes a man or a woman stand taller, feel better and say with a high pride to all within earshot, "I went to Clemson."
There is something in these hills that you and I can't define and others can't understand. A wave of warmth always surges through me when "outsiders" say, "I don't know what it is about you Clemson people, but your undying love for Clemson is admired by everyone I know."
There's something in these hills and I suspect that's what it is - the ability of an institution through the unending dedication and greatness of its people - its administration, its faculty, its staff, its students and alumni - to impart to all it touches a respect, an admiration, an affection that stands firm in disquieting times when things around it give impressions of coming unglued.
Yes, there's something in these hills where the Blue Ridge yawns its greatness.
Joe Sherman Class of '34
Love you Sis... thanks for letting me be a part of this special time!