Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015~ It's in the Books... and Christmas is around the corner...

All good things must come to an end... and Thanksgiving break is over.  KB and I headed to Nashville last Sunday through Wednesday for her 16th birthday trip.  We had lots of laughs, lots of food, and made lots of memories.  I'm in a funk right now about taking pictures... and I hate that... but I promise to do better!  She can look back at Facebook and see the laughs!

Thursday we ate lunch at Mama's, Friday we ate lunch at Mimi's, and Saturday everyone came to my house to watch the ballgames.  Today- I took a well-deserved nap between two church services and almost finished decorating.

Tonight~  my children are decorating a gingerbread house that their elves brought them last night... I love that they giggle when we talk about the elves... it's okay though... they know how much I love them!

And this is what Christmas is all about... love... I'm so glad we are at an age that they know when to act like they have sense.  All those hundreds of candies and they are trying so hard to make this elf house precious.  

*I'm just rambling about religion on this next part... maybe they will look back one day and know that I prayed for them every day and wanted big things for them! 

Today at church we looked at Matthew 1.  I have read Matthew several times, but as our preacher stated... we usually skip over the first verses.  It's all about genealogy.  Verses 2-16 are all names listed from Abraham to Jesus.  Jesus really is a miracle... but God knew it from the beginning.  Tripp also  pointed out that many of the people in the lineage were not good people.  I wrote in my Bible that saving grace isn't passed down because of your family name.  It's all about my decision... I can't make my children's decision for them, but living in a way that is pleasing to God and being a good example is a good way to start.  Life sure is easy when God is the only person you have to please. 

Tonight we looked at the birth of Jesus... it was a controversial situation~  we know we would be the same way with Mary... "yeah, right... you are a virgin and you are pregnant... shame on you"... Mary had faith... she believed and relied on God to get her through the situation.  We should all have that much faith.  This fall I read a great book called The Women of Christmas... it is fabulous.  I've been in the Christmas spirit since I opened it.  Mary went through a lot... so did Joseph for staying with her.  I think they are perfect examples of a man and a woman who stuck with each other through thick and thin... which brings me to the miraculous part of the story... the birth... no science can explain... prophets told of the story from the beginning of time... and it came true.  All the stories match up... while some are hard to believe, we only need to rely on our faith to understand and explain.  I can't fathom everything that happened long ago, but I do know the spirit living in me gives me a peace and comfort like no other.  I hate that it took so long to truly know this.  

I'm reading a book now called Lazarus Awakening, One part of the book talks about when God talks to us.  I'm not sure that I can ever say God has spoken where I heard a voice, but I do know that I have feelings that I think God leads me in directions to think about.  A few weeks ago, our pastor made a statement at the end of church.  He told us to pray for those people we weren't exactly excited about seeing at church the next week.  I kind of giggled, but each morning that week, I wrote down names of people in my journal who got on my nerves.  My list was from work,family, and church.  My list was extremely long, and I decided that if anyone ever got my journal I would tell them I just felt led to pray for them... but in reality, I looked at each of those names and found that I was holding bitter feelings toward them.  And it was only hurting me... I prayed for my heart to get over those feelings... and to smile... be nice... and find comfort in also praying for them each day.... it was fun by the end of the week!  I think God told me to do it... He knew I was struggling with that.  I had also been writing in my prayer journal about a work situation... one morning I was very specific with my prayer and the next day I got my answer as clear as I could.  The entire time the person was talking to me all I could think was~ "God... are you serious... you just answered me and I didn't even think you were listening... I was just whining... and you answered!"... 

I needed that little boost of energy from God... I'm being even more specific in my prayer requests to God now... and just like Mary was told in Luke 1:37~ For nothing is impossible with God!  So those children decorating elves in the kitchen without fighting, and the husband who has helped me decorate for Christmas this year, and the daddy who is getting better each day... I know that God hears me... I know that he loves me... and I know that this Christmas is going to be great!  My hope is that no matter what gifts are given, or what parties are held, or what food is prepared that each day of this season is filled with a thanksgiving for a little baby born who gives me a peace, comfort, and joy like nothing else in the world.  

Katie Britt and Ben~  I want you to love Christmas for the real reason... I want you to hear the story over and over each year... and I want you to find something new each year in that story.  It amazes me that at 44, I am still listening to the same story and finding new peace, comfort, and joy from it each day.  

Saturday, November 21, 2015

What a Blessing it Was....Fields of Faith

I started this post last week and never finished... I'm glad now!  

Last Thursday night I was exhausted and had almost talked myself out of going to Fields of Faith.  I really wanted to, but I think the devil was telling me to just stay was for students...not really adults.  Christie called and asked me to take pictures, so I decided I needed to go... and it was a blessing... to say the least.  The crowd of believers who showed up at our football field were shown the love of Christ and how important it is to lean on Him when you need it.

It warms my heart to see the age range and variety of people who love to come and hear a few verses of scripture, testimonies, and music.
We never know when our light will shine... this wasn't an event that was mandatory... it was those who truly wanted to come and be blessed.
Parents, students, faculty, and Lincolnton / Washington citizens who wanted to see what "Fields of Faith" was all about.
It was also a special time for parents to be with their children... and watch them sing, pray, and hear their faith...
The praise band was made of sweet, sweet boys!  I love that they don't think that it is weird to sing for Jesus... to love Him... and to use their musical talents to touch others.
This one here did a great job!  He gets his musical talent honestly!
Coach Campbell came out for the event too.  It was a special night for many reasons, but he was kind to come hear one of his fellow coaches give his testimony.
Our emcee of the night... I would let her come and live with me.  She is sweet, kind, and smart...all packaged into one!
His story was perfect... of Peter having to trust in Jesus to walk on the water.  I'm sure at 15 this child knows more than I'll ever know... but his smarts include the knowledge of Jesus Christ... and that is the most important message that can ever be given.  His honesty, his message of us all going through storms, and his truth that all we have to do is stick our hand out~ like Peter~ and Jesus will save us is worth more than ever knowing those physics formulas!
The man of the night... Coach Ellis... I was introduced to him at my house.  He and Daddy were the best of friends.  They played golf together, they went to Georgia games together, and more than once... they would sit in our den and watch movies.  He was a part of our family.  As I grew older I had him as a PE teacher.  He would listen to our problems, solve our problems, and he helped us through those middle school years of being crazy!
I loved her message too.  She talked about being so busy... and yes, we are... but we have to rely on God to take us out of that whirlwind and pull us through whatever we are planning!  It's His plan... not ours.
I love this boy!  He is funny, kind, and was so openly honest with his message.  Keep following the Lord, young one.... you will go far!
Part of "Fields of Faith" is to have student athletes speak.  This young man talked about all the trials he has been through and his main message was to "just pray"... and he is so right.  Ask God for anything and it can be done.  As he walked off the field last night, I wanted to give him a big hug... he has played a fine game of football for LC this year... he should hold his head up!
Coach Ellis gave the main message and brought me to tears many times.  I never knew his story, but I knew he was special.  I think the most important statement of the night was when he discussed being a part of 13 state championship games and winning 9 of them... he said the joy of those winnings can't even touch that of seeing young men come to know the "Lawd"!  And that... is why I love this man so much.  He doesn't yell at our football players, he doesn't call them names, he doesn't yank them around... He uses his kind voice, He lets the Light of Jesus shine through him as he teaches and models to these young men how to act, how to play, and how to win and lose.  He is a true blessing to our program.  I watched as every player and coach looked to him last night and he kindly spoke to them during a difficult situation.  My prayer is that he will still be here to coach when Ben steps on that field.  I find comfort in knowing that if Ben never plays a down of football, he will have a Godly man standing on the sidelines to be a role model and mentor... and to be a part a team with him coaching will be all he will ever need...  Thank you Coach Ellis for your heart...
Sweet, sweet boy.... I know this morning is hard for you.  You remember the message of last Thursday night... you remember that no one blames you.... football is a team sport and win or lose... we should do that as a team.  You are a phenomenal athlete... and while last night didn't go in our favor... the town of Lincolnton loves you... you take this storm... and hold out your hand... Jesus will help you through it!  I appreciate your character... your love of Jesus... and I'm proud to say that I would love my little boy to be just like you one day....
To end the night, the band played as the audience came onto the field...
Thanks to all those who came to make the Fields of Faith a success...
I'm so glad I decided to get off the couch and go... It was a special night... I can't wait to be there next year.