Friday, October 9, 2015

I lied today....

So this picture was taken when he was 16 months old... and she was 6.... it's been nine years... but I remember that day like it was yesterday.  We were making a picture for the football program in Lincolnton... and we didn't live in Lincolnton.  Ben was being Ben and didn't want his picture taken... those curls are killing me... those feet I could eat up... and those blue eyes make my heart smile... If you know to look for it... he has a goldfish in his mouth.... it was the only way to keep him still.... but today... this post isn't about him... it's about her... and a lie.... This week I told her I wanted to get a picture of her and Ben together with the cheerleading uniform/football jersey on.... so I could have a picture of both of them in their outfits... and do a remake of this picture above... it sounded like a good lie... and it was....

Well... part of it was true... I did want a remake of the picture... it isn't very good, but it wasn't really my focus... so I just faked it and told them that was good... and let's do a few more...

The reason... because I want to capture this moment in time and remember it in detail... and I want this for KB to always have to look at... to know how I feel right now... and to tell her how proud I am of her!  She is so excited about life right now... and especially that Monday... on her day off from school... she will be checking something off her list of yucks in life! 

 These were just some candids we did while waiting on Casanova to get his shirt tucked in... his hair smoothed... and his socks off... May you always smile like you are smiling in this picture!
 And this is my girl.... a beauty to me on the outside... but sweeter on the inside... for many reasons...
 she asked me last week in the car about getting her a devotional book... Really?  When I was fifteen... I thought I had done enough because I went to church on Sundays... I love that when I walk in her room her Bible is open... I love to hear her music in the mornings... she isn't anything like me... and that's good...
 But the real reason... the reason I needed to capture this moment... is that when she looks back at the pictures here...and sees the pimples... the braces... the stick straight hair... I want her to know that one day those things will be gone...and she will still be beautiful...
 She's so excited that the braces are coming off Monday... and I wanted a picture of her with them on... one last time... it's amazing how much she has changed in the last few years... it brings tears to my eyes... this moment of her life is going away... no more braces! 
 And this throw away dog... that she loves... and Chevy loves her... I hope you treat those patients of yours one day the exact same way... I hope you will always see the good in bad people... like you have done with this dog... and say, "Mom... she can't help it!"....
 And then he came back... so devilish... and looking so big... I'm so glad to have you both... and that I can enjoy life with both of you right now!  I was a little sad that I didn't get a Fall Break because I had to work... but lazy Friday afternoons, Michelle's Pizza, Ice Cream Parlor, Netflix, Playstation, and blogging... we are as content as can be... just waiting on Daddy to land from California so I can sleep tonight!  Thanks for being appreciative children of doing absolutely nothing but sitting here with me...
 I think you both have potential to be devils... you both make me laugh... even when I want to hurt you! 
 And goofing off is your favorite... even when I want you to be serious...
 I love your smiles... your hearts... and your sweetness... My heart was so happy this week as we walked out of Ben's game... in midstream of conversation, Ben just yelled across the parking lot at one of his teammates and told him he played a good game... I'm not sure the little fellow even played a lot... but he smiled when Ben spoke to him... wouldn't it be nice to hear a kind word every day from someone?  I need to follow my children's example... they teach me

 When you tell him to sit up... he looks corny... Let me stop and say that I hope this isn't a downhill road from here that he is going to start acting like Mark in pictures! 
 LC~ Represent~  Sweet babies! 
 Here's that fake smile again... but I love him! 
 And then the sillies again...
 And the one where let's be stupid so Mama will get frustrated with us! 
Sis and Boo.... wow... you sure have grown in the last nine years.  10th grade and 5th grade... can you just stay little forever... just the age you are now... no matter how sassy, or hateful, or even rude you can be.... I see so many good things in you right now!  I'm being selfish, but I wish I could get that life remote and put it on pause right now!  So, yeah, I wanted to remake the picture from when you were little... but I really wanted to have one last photo session with those braces on!  Love, Mama