Last Friday morning, my family, Other Sis, and Mama/Daddy headed to Hilton Head... I took my computer and had every intention of blogging and taking pictures didn't work out that way... I never turned on my computer... only took my camera a few places... and used my phone, Mark's phone, and KB's phone to take pics... these are all out of order... all mixed up...and most of all... memories of a lifetime that I'll try to put a little order to in the next here goes... 2015 beach trip....
These two make me laugh... hard to believe they have only known each other for a few years... she fits right in... plays cards with us... eats like us... and laughs at all kinds of things... I'm worried about her television habits and awareness of gossip in the world... she doesn't know anything...which I guess could be a good thing! He loves the ocean... just like his mama... I just closed my eyes and hoped that no sharks would get me!
I also love that he entertains himself...most of the time!
I could eat him up... love that this sweet boy lets me take his picture...
and smiles when I ask him to... one would never know just how devilish he is...
And this one... I am amazed daily at her... for good and bad things.... she is 100 percent teenager... I can read her like a book... I know her thoughts, I know her heart, and I know that she is going to use that hard head to be something one day!
Our first night there, we walked over to Crazy Crab in Harbour Town so we didn't have to get in the car... our supper was delicious... I didn't take a picture of my cheeseburger, but Tatum and Kathryn always get that at the Heritage... and I have followed suit....
These are Jessica's fried shrimp.... I could eat all of them right now!
Their station every night.... these two would eat supper and then head out to Harbour Town... I called it "catting".... They were home each night before I had to look for them!
Jane was there for a couple of nights and of course Ben got his chocolate milk in a special glass... she treats him like that!
I have never worn a hat as much as I did this year at the beach... Monica's hair was nothing compared to mine!
Old Oyster Factory.... we haven't been in years... but it was DELICIOUS! Ben ate most of my supper, but what I had was good.
This is our friend.... we watched from the truck... the bikes... every day we looked for him.... the last few days he was missing... made me kind of nervous that he might just show up at our doorstep!
You can't see Ben here...and you can't see Gregg Russell, but they are both there! I am ashamed to say I have never heard Gregg Russell before, but we listened to him almost every night.... I loved it...I'm sorry my children didn't get to experience it at a younger age.... but you know they can't sing... so it may have all been in God's plan!
Outside WildWings for lunch one day!
We were so packed going home we had to wear our hats... just teasing... KB thought we should put them on for a selfie...
And look who showed up in HHI! Ruby Cullars and Hugh came to town and invited Mark and Ben to go shark fishing..... the following pictures are some of their catches...
The catters and I stayed at the condo and relaxed.... when the Arthurs and Mark/Ben got off the boat they headed to the top of the many times as I have been...I had never been inside or to the top.... neat experience!
My favorite breakfast of all! Flat biscuits and sausage gravy! Nanny is the best....and her biscuits are delicious! Mark and I enjoyed visiting with Nanny and Sally for breakfast!
Now... these next pictures are from Mark's catch of the day when we headed out deep sea fishing Friday.
This booger was much bigger than he looks in this picture...and he was fighting mad. Thank the good Lord that shark week was this week instead of last week... I can say that I have been deep sea fishing... and I never have to go again....
He was working hard!
One of the stories we will never forget... Jane riding a bicycle..... Katie Britt tells the story much better than I do. But it has statements like "I'm sorry I ran into you" "You don't need to be on a bicycle" and "Jane is pushing her bike and not riding it".... In the years and years we have been to HHI, I have never rented bikes... we did this time and I loved it! we rode all over Sea Pines...
This was Jane practicing before we put her out on the road... she should have practiced a little more because of her small mishap.... She reminds me of Pee Wee Herman.... "I know you are but what am I?"
Sis and I getting ready to ride! The last time I think I rode a bike was when she was just big enough to sit in one of those stands behind me... I thought it looked like so much fun... and all mamas do that... well... I took one lap around our neighborhood and had to get off and push.... HHI is all flat, so I had a pretty easy trip this time!
One day at the beach... rebels who needed to get on the lifeguard stand!
At the top of the lighthouse!
I'm not sure where this tongue-sticking out in all pictures comes from, but it gets on my nerves... Ben looks like a lizard!
Any chance to be silly... we take it...
So here is my favorite story of the entire trip! The five of us headed out Friday morning with a friend of a friend. We met up in Harbour Town and headed out for a day of deep sea fishing. The water was a little rough/choppy, but we had all taken Dramamine, so I thought we were going to be fine... after about 2 1/2 hours and just minutes after this picture of KB with the shark was taken, she started throwing up off the back of the boat. Our guide decided to take the girls inland... he said he would just drop us off at Daufuskie for a little bit and settle our stomachs while he took the guys out fishing.
And here comes the "rest of the story".... we walk a long pier to a house that looks like a club house to a golf course... I see women inside having tea, brunch, and visiting... they were very dressed up, but I wasn't shocked by that... I did notice there were several signs that said Members Only/ Private... but I've never been one to follow directions... I needed help finding a water for KB! Keep in mind that all three of us are soaking wet in t-shirts and shorts.... hats on.... and a little green... All I had with me was Mark's credit card and no phone. I had left it at the condo. We go inside and the lady asks if she can help us... I asked her for two waters and a diet coke and told her that the girls were sick and needed a restroom. She pointed them in the right direction, and as I was waiting on her to ring up our drinks... I noticed a cookbook... I told her I wanted that too... I'm a talker... so I also told her this was my first time to the island and I had heard so many things about it. I told her I would love to explore once KBs stomach settled. She told me I could rent a golfcart and tour the entire island... I told her I would talk to the girls and see what they said. We went outside because it was so cold inside with air and wet clothes. After waiting a few minutes, I went back inside and told her I wanted to rent a golf cart and to use the water taxi to get us back to Harbour Town... she looked at me funny and said, "Are you a member of the Yacht Club?" I told her I wasn't... and then she started asking me how I got to the island and told me I couldn't be where I was! I told her sorry and I would leave as soon as my husband, son, and guide came back to pick me up. I felt about the size of an ant.... I have been "not included" before, but I got the giggles thinking about how we looked walking into this exclusive club and not really supposed to be there!
I go back outside to tell the girls that we aren't welcome there, and they start laughing too. We kind of panicked a little because we were ready to leave... and especially since we weren't where we were supposed to be! We walked back out to the dock and found a bench at the very end to wait.... there were three men fishing there, but they didn't notice us.... a few minutes later, this family comes by and says, "Are ya'll supervising the men?"... I quickly responded with, "No, we are stranded... just waiting on my husband to get back from deep sea fishing so we can get to Harbour Town"... a minute later, we were on the boat below... The family was very nice... they asked us all kinds of questions, but for once... I didn't ask a thing... Jessica looked at me about halfway there and said, "I think they may be rich!"... Yes, dear... they are, but I didn't care about the money...I was thrilled we had a ride. The girl told me they were going sailing that afternoon.... I didn't think anything about it except I couldn't imagine a sailboat big enough for all of them.... again.... I was oblivious to the conversations because I was so ready to be back on land. We got off...thanked them over and over... as we made our way around the corner, I turned back to see that they were getting on a huge sailboat... they could have taken everyone I knew with them! At this point the girls told me that people were taking pictures of us as we came into the harbor... I knew we rode with someone famous, but I didn't know who it was....
Monday morning I retold my story at work and Kaye immediately told me who to look for and see if it was him.... She is so smart! It was Ken Nugent.... his daughter.... and her husband's family.... I don't care if people do call them ambulance chasers.... they sure were nice to us! One call...that's all.... he got me back to Harbour Town...and for that... I will be forever grateful!
It's only been a week since we came home, but I sure am ready to go back!